Hi again :)
Wow 2 days in a row for blogging... promise this one won't be so winded' and long.
Today was Blade's 1st full day of Preschool, instead of going 1/2 days on Tues/Thrusday, he will go all day. He is offically a BIG boy now and mighty proud too... he did shed a few tears today when I took him but I think he was a little tired yet and had new faces in his "familiar room". When I went to pick him up he was so excited to see me, he came RUNNING like a mad man, it was SO darn cute!!!!!
Yes, I was lost without him today, felt kinda lonely... couldn't really concentrate on doing anything either, so I shot this day to hell and did absolutely nothing, well I did a load of laundry but seriously did nothing all day :( when trust me! ... there was plenty I could have done... since you know that the laundry never ends here... and I can always be cleaning too! Oh darn I guess saving all of that for tomorrow I guess.
Mitchel was off today to go with my dad and my uncle to Gordeville for the tractor pull weekend, he was so excited to go. Got him all packed up and we went for breakfast with my dad before they were off for the weekend, he will get back sometime on Sunday. He was SO excited to go! Issac and Blade will both be lost puppies without their big brother, Blade already said "school is over... where is Mitchel" like 5x since we got home from school. Just too cute!
So not much happened today - hung out with Tammy and had lunch and was a BIG bum! I did not exercise today either :( that was bad bad!! But I did get 2 walks in yesterday and went on treadmill for 30 mins... so I will be back at it strong again tomorrow, my goal is every other day in the 1st month... so I don't get burnt out, cuz there is NO more wishy washy excuses!!
Mel, when we walking? Will I swim? I hope to... I loved it last year and just need to "make the time" and do it! and looks like if this goes well with Blade going to Preschool, its possible! Time will tell me very soon!
Weekend looks busy, we have a birthday party to attend as well as the Tigges' annual party! all in one night... tomorrow night I have to help Tammy for a bit then hope to go do something FUN, but no drinking will be involved what so ever!!!!
When will it snow??? Jeepers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
I have to buy some long underwear and thick socks before we start walking, it's gonna get cold soon! Seriously, though, I could walk on t/th between 8 and 10:30 while Gary is in preschool, and have Jerry's grandma watch Brendan, or just take him in the stroller with me. Or, I could do it later at night (after 8) when Jerry is home to watch the boys. Or, I could do it really early (like 6) before the boys wake up. Doesn't matter to me!
So Blade is in school T/TH? We could swim those days, or one of those days a week at noon! That would be awesome to have a swimming buddy. I haven't started exercising yet, (bad) but I have lost weight!
My dad is going to a tractor pull this weekend, too! Probably the same one!!!
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