Hello friends :)
Today was an over all good friday with a only one minor disappointment ... I had to send my laptop into Apple for some service since my laptop would not function on the battery alone... so I opt to send it in on my "apple care" and well it returned to me today which I was dying all week without it... well I got it out of the box, it looked pretty :) they put a new casing around it since I got one of the "white laptops with the dirty appeal" so I complained about it and they replaced it :) YEH... now when you think its all good... it isn't... I asked them to send me a new power cord and they choose not too, why? who knows! So then I proceed to go and actually use my baby... well I couldn't get on the internet - NOW I was a little PO'ed... and I could not figure out why it just would not connect to our internet ... so yes I went all day without my laptop again because I could not connect... but however I didn't feel so stupid when Billy got here and couldn't figure it out either so then I didn't think it was "just me" anymore... thanks for that Billy!! but I will give it to him, he got it to connect to the neighbors which was just SO WEIRD!!!
So here I sit on Mitchel's laptop to type this blog again this week... and needless to say it completely SUCKS!!! I want mine back!!
I can't wait to have Jer fix this little issue... I tried to ask Mel if Jerry could help me a little but oh darn! It will hopefully be fixed later this evening or tomorrow.
What an eventful morning... Jer had told me earlier in the week that a "package" was coming for him today. Well I thought absolutely nothing of it, just thought it would be like a letter type or a small box... OH no it was this HUGE ass box being carried by this 4ft. little Fed Ex lady across our yard to the side door, it seriously was the site... I was laughing plus wanting to literally piss my pants because of the site and what she was carrying. Then when she brings it to the door she states I have two more in the truck for this household too, so I said ok. Well one was my laptop so I was like SO SO happy!!! and the other one was for Jer. Yes I am sorry I can't reveal what it is yet... because well incase Jer would read this blog... but he is absolutely going to FLIP too... so I will be sure to share it with you tomorrow. All I have to say is this... his " one boss" must REALLY like him and want him to work for him or he is doing absolute majic with this dude... I need a job like this... HA HA!!!
No but all seriousliness I am very happy for Jer, he works his ass off and truely deserves bonuses!!! I am PROUD OF YOU JER!!!
So what else happened today... the brick is really making progress in the basement. I absolutely LUV what they have done. I hope to get some picture posted in the upcoming week when I have my laptop back :)
Blade was a little stinker today and decided to do the #2 and use toilet paper... and well he got very useful with the TP and put the whole damn roll down the toilet after he was done doing his duty... and well clogged the toilet pretty good. We had to call grandpa to come fix it since I could not get it to plunge... and he was "PROUD" of what he did... and I was a little steaming since there was water everywhere :( what a mess!!!
Hrm... its 1030ish and my hubby should be arriving in IA soon... so I best close and go find my phone so incase he calls.
So I close on this blog and wish you all a happy weekend!!!
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