

Thursday, September 28, 2006

What a gorgeous day! I absolutely love this weather!!!!

This week has been fairly productive for me - I got lots of thing cleaned out and boxed up to move to the house and moving it slowly. The tiny room of the boys is becoming bare :) I hope to move their clothes out of the closet next week... its an exciting thought for me:) Our bedroom closet was finished up today - its ROCKIN' AWESOME!!!! I just LUV it!!

What else happened this week... well I forgot my dentist appt that was scheduled for yesterday? So whats this mean??? Yes I am loosing it!!! Mitchel's bed came this week - they delievered it but... 1) they put it together wrong and secondly... something is wrong with the side rail... so bed is not functional at this point :( I was not a happy camper that day :( School this week for the boys seems to be going amazingly well - Issac's been having a good week with getting homework done and staying organized better... so much progress there that I can see anyway but I'm sure the teacher's opinion maybe lightly different... time will tell I guess. Blade's had a pretty good week potty training... tonight was his first accident all week but its all good! Today he was the snack helper at school today so he was all excited about that- it was pretty cute he wanted to put the snack in his bookbag but unfornuately it was not going to work since it was in containers... so yes he got pissed :(

We have soccer on Saturday and no games on Sunday so hopefully we can get a family day in and go up to Gays Mills for the day or do something fun all depends on when Jer returns from his little trip to Milwaukee. So looks like this weekend is just me and the boys... and we really should pick up walnuts but we'll see about that one...

Pretty boring blog... but yes I'm still tickin'

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