

Monday, August 07, 2006

Ok... hello friends, here I am a week later... sorry for no blogs recently, it was a living nightmare while Jer was in the Urkraine, SO SO SO glad he is home now!!!
Just to inform some of you what did happen last week... well Mitchel's bike was stolen sometime on Wednesday between the hour of 2pm-3pm, I honestly at the time just blew it off thinking "oh some kid borrowed it and will return it" and Mitchel was persistant that "no mom i just rode it, someone really did take it" so I said lets wait awhile and we will see if it shows up, at the time I thought it was the right thing to do... well Thursday afternoon while Mitchel and Blade and I ran into Dbq. to do some school shopping, a quick trip... Issac went to the pool with his grandma Miller and friends, well after the pool... they came here thinking Issac wanted to come to the farm, so in the meantime while they are waiting for Issac, a neighbor of ours comes running into our apt. building looking for Mitchel or I... just so happened Jer's mom was still here... they told her that Mitchel's bike is across town, they found it but it was being spray painted as they were talking... so graciously my mother inlaw hops all the kids in the van and drives across town to approach this situation... WOW!!!! just stunned! So as she is pulling up, she told me that there were several boys sitting around watching this 18yr. old boy spray paint her grandson's bike... she gets out of the van and kindly says to the boy "this is my grandson's bike... what are you doing?" The boy looked at her and said "well I bought it from my brother", so Jer's mom has the 18yr old go get the "brother" who sold him the bike... a little 8yr old comes out of the apt. complex where this was taking place at... she was just stunned! So she decides to take the bike and put it in her van, comes back across town to locate a police officer... WOW what a run around for her... no one was at COP SHOP, so she proceeds to go to the new "cheif's house"... no one home... so then her next move is off to the other officer who lives in town... finally she gets to talk to a police officer... he was just going on duty but was still in his "street clothes"... makes no sense but whatever!
So anyhow this particular officer is "difficult" to deal with just on a "normal day"... so she was in for a "treat"... so he tells my mother inlaw that she will need to fill out a "report" and then he will go talk to the other party and be in contact with Mitchel and myself, but my mother inlaw said she could tell just by the officers body language and attitude he had with her he didn't want to "deal" with this issue... what a COP huh?
So in the meantime after the report is made, Donna had called my cell phone but I had left it in the truck while I ran into Shopko with Mitchel and Blade quick... so I called her back just thinking it was something on the lines of Issac going to the farm for awhile... oh no! She filled me in on the "story"... after she realized that I had no clue what she was talking about since I had just 20 mins. ago talked with Issac, so anyhow she filled me in on the story and told me that this "cop" would be calling me to see when we could meet him when we got back to town, she sounded all "frazzled" and felt very bad for Mitchel and proceeded to tell me the "WHOLE" story while we were pulling into our last stop for errands... my heart seriously dropped to the ground when she told me what "just happened" and how there was no one around in town to help her handle this situation 'on the spot'... what kind of law enforcement or protection do we have in this town? I want you to all realize this is so unlike Jer's mom to take a situation like this and go to authority on it... so I know this is how upset and bothered she was by it, just count my blessings she was in the right place at the right time!!!!
So we ran into Walmart very quickly and got our things there... and my phone is in the process of dying so I needed to run out to US Celluar to get a "car charger" for my phone since I recently got a different phone and didn't want my phone going dead before we got home, so as I am in US Cell... the COP called me, asked me when we could meet... I told him I would be back to town in about 1/2 hour... so as we pull up, we run our things inside quick, come out to look at the "damaged" bike... I was very emotional and shaking... I was so upset just looking at the bike!!! So as we are waiing for the COP to come... I in the meantime called a good neighbor of mine to come over since her son and Mitchel are good bud and thought her son had told her the situation... but no I ended up telling her... so she dropped everything and came to be at my side while the COP came over... so all I have to say is this about the "COP" situation... it was completely riduculously insanely handled so WRONG!!!!, too many details to type in this blog but point blank ... he wanted me to "shove this problem under the rug" and move on... simply because the other involved didn't understand "ownership"... well HELLO... that is not my kids nor my problem... and if they "stated" that they "borrowed" the bike but what justifies them spraypainting it?
So anyhow after the COP left us for awhile to go back and talk to the other party involved... in the meantime... a shitload of people in the apt. area... starting coming out of the woodwork, I swear... we were surrounded by certain indivuals living in this area... walked down by our vehicles where Blade was and another group of them walked towards my way... dont want to be racist but god damn... WHY do they have to make you feel intimidated... they all stuck around until the COP came back then they all filtered out... so they were all aware of the "situation"... so then the COP comes back with the two boys and it was just a flippin joke... he had the two boys apologize to Mitchel and gave him his "broken brakes and peices... that they had stated in their statement, they 'took them off'.... no they were VERY MUCH BROKEN OFF!!! I hated how this COP made me feel like shit for proceeding with charges and restitution on this matter... well crisps... the bike was only 67 days old and was destroyed! if any other person in this community would of done something like this... this COP would of been a hard ass like he should of been to these kids... but no he was a "good guy"... PISSES ME OFF!!!! GHAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So anyhow... did anything become of this issue yet... NO... I was to talk to the cheif on Friday... well the COP that handled our case told me that the cheif would be working on Friday... stopped 3x's at the station... finally asked the city clerk if the cheif was around... nope he was a a "personal day" I was NOW steaming since I was told by the ASSHOLE COP he would be on duty... so today I call down to talk to him... NOPE he's gone yet! By tomorrow if nothing is done, I will dig deeper into this and go to the BIG DOGS... I dont want to be the "bad" person either but damn it... they hurt my kid's feelings as well as his property... and its going to take a long time before Mitchel can let go what happened to him, as well as all of us who were involved, ya know? All I want is restitution... if I can get that without charges being pressed that is how we will handle it. Just so damn frustrating we live in a small town and we are supposed to feel safe here... I no longer feel that now...I couldn't even stay here in the apt that night feeling safe and WOW thats a feeling I had to hide from my kids, just didn't want to be here without Jer. How these certain people around me that live in these apts. made me feel... was INFERIOR!!! So the boys and I packed it up and stayed at my parents until Jer got back from his trip. So since this whole deal... I REALLY WANT TO GET IN THE HOUSE NOW!!!!! I mean MORE NOW than EVER!!!! Just hope things can really happen this week and next. Our main interior contractor has been helping Jer ALOT by being in contact with other contractors to line up scheduling and getting things done.
So I blogged enough in this blog... I'll start another one soon :) Just filling some of you in on why I haven't blogged in a WEEK... WOW!!!

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