

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Not a whole lot to blog about today but thought I should post something :)

The month started off great with celebrating Jer's birthday with friends... then it was followed by me being sick for 4-5 days... no not hang over sickness either... round 2 of NASTY COLD... I'm convinced I had Influenza A and B this year!!!... then later last week my little Blade got sick... he's been sick since last Wednesday night until today mostly... he's starting to feel better now.
So Blade and I have been chilling at home the last several days.

I was feeling better but then when I would go like actually go and be productive around the house... my body would fight me and tell me NO... and of course I don't listen too well... since I can't stand my house a mess... just ask my kids :) But I was finally starting to feel better this week with the exception of the cough...

Yesterday I had a nice visit with Dustin, chilled out at our house in the afternoon with a few drinks. It was good for him and it was good for me... maybe its what the doctor ordered because today I feel much better! Thanks D!

Mitchel's first track meet was this week. He's a little upset with how he did but we told him that it is the first one and with due time there will be much improvement... with the wind against them its a tough battle to run hard. Hopefully the meet tomorrow night will go much better for him :)

Little Harley isn't so little anymore... she sure is growing LOTS! becoming more aggressive and FEARLESS... now she will actually go up the steps... but still won't go down them which is ok. Potty training is much better but still working on it daily. She LOVES to be outside and go for walks and well rollerblading too... infact probably enjoys rollerblading more since she can RUN!!! but sometimes when I try to walk her then she wants to run... kinda funny but I can deal with that. She really is a good dog for the most part with her little troubles now and then ... but thats puppy life!

No real big plans for the weekend, infact none at all besides a soccer game so it will be nice to have a LOW KEY weekend.
Well... I best run time to make supper and Harley needs to go outside.

Hope the 70's are here stay! Was beautiful today but the wind... could die down! HELLO SPRING FINALLY!!!!

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