

Monday, March 03, 2008


Today is Monday... another day of no school for the boys... think that makes 13 days total that they have missed due to weather.
Mitchel was trying to tell me today that the last FULL week of school that they had was WAY back in early Nov. CRAZY huh?
So not much exciting happened today... was home with the boys, did some cleaning, laundry and all the normal stuff. I did do some SEWING today... I'll tell you about that in a bit... yeh I said sewing :)

We had a good weekend. Kinda laid back but it was nice. Kids hit the slopes at Sundown Friday night, Blade stayed home with Mol Mol, and Jer and I went to DBQ, he did some work while I did errands then we grabbed a bite to eat at Houlihans, its been awhile since we've been there. Saturday I helped Tam for a bit, Jer did some work. Boys stuck around home until it was time to go to Mitch's game... they played a good game. We had a family night and stayed home with the kids, watched a old movie from the 80's (POLICE ACADEMY) I love that movie! Sunday Jer left early for his trip for the week he gets back Thursday night.

So just the boys and I in the big house until he gets back, miss him lots already! So today after I cleaned for a bit, laundry run.
I sat down and did some sewing... going to try to make a quilt for Mitchel for 8th grade graduation using his older t-shirts and jeans that no longer fit. It won't be perfect but I'm trying new things :) I'm excited! My mom always did sewing when I was growing up and I was always interested in learning. I also hemmed my first pair of pants today. I'll post some pictures when I get further. The tricky part of making this... is the cutting and setting it up since all the shirts have "logos" on them and they go different directions ... argh! Not sure if I will have enough to do a twin size quilt so it just maybe a lap quilt.

Well, I'm going to close and go watch a movie with the boys, we're going to watch Uncle Buck. What a classic :)

Enjoy your day or evening!

A special "HELLO" to Mol Mol... glad to hear you still read my blog from time to time :)


videobabe said...

If you ever need any sewing help, I was a sewing fashionista in my previous life. I have made leather coats, 3pc suits, swim suits - you name it.

Lis said...

SERIOUSLY! wow your a girl of many talents!!!