

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Harley with her furry brother Buzz

So here I have it a few pictures of the newest Miller :) with Buzz. They are getting along o.k. for the most part. Harley seems to really want to be playful with Buzz but he's just not interested, which is ok for now but do hope they can be buddies later on.

Its been going really well with her, a few accidents but we can live with those, just need to keep figuring out what is going to work. I think I will be calling Tory now that Easter has past us for a few suggestions.

Jen, I know you have been thru this with many years ago with Simba and Shadow. Do you have any suggestions?

Enjoy the pictures :) We absolutely LOVE her!!!!!


videobabe said...

You have had babies before. Remember you feed them and about 10-20 mins later they fill their diaper? Feed, let out. Praise the moment she goes potty, not when she comes back to the door. Remember potty training? Doing a potty dance! Get excited for her. Whohoo! Crate train and leash train as soon as possible. Hand signals without voice are cool when she gets a bit older. Congratulations!

Mel said...

She's cute! Enjoy her, can't wait to meet her!