

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Hello out there!

Hope this finds you warm and snugged on a winter night ... BRR... cold out! I really hope it is Spring soon! Tired of the snow and ice, cold and all that comes with it! If you haven't travelled on Garfield St. (our street) DON'T! Its SUPER horrible... like seriously its like going down a really bad bad country road. SUPER HORID!

Anyhow since I last posted, happy to report my dad is doing ok, had a little bit of a scare again today, he was urinating LOTS of blood, so mom took him back in this am. They ran some test and now we'll just wait and see what they say. He did come home so that is good I guess...

So I've been keeping my mind busy as much as I can since dad got tired of me calling him on the hour... I am in the CLEAN mode! By the end of this weekend I hope to have every closet, cupboard, vanity, every nook in this house CLEAN!!! with the exception of the basement (that will need a little help from Jer) I went to town today and got 3 closets cleaned and organized... only 2 more to go. Cleaned the fridge, oven, and some of the kitchen cupboards tonight. All caught up on laundry! Yeh! I'm feeling good!

The BIG job is tomorrow when I clean my closet out! YIKES it just scares me thinking about it!!!! I have a purse and shoe and a big accessories addict! All those things make me happy though. Mel, I will keep you in mind tomorrow when I am going thru my necklaces :) I'm attached to most of them but I'm sure there will be a few I'll have for you :)

Kinda nice just sitting here doing absolutely nothing! Boys and Jer are way up in the attic... I'm sitting in kitchen and can't even hear them playing XBOX. VERY NICE! I like my quiet house more and more!

What else is new? Boys are all fired up about the last "late night" at Sundown tomorrow night. They have a big party, movies, treats, race competitions etc and open til 12am so they are pretty excited about that! Little Blade is getting to be a "VIDEO GAME ADDICT" seriously!! He now tells Issac and Mitchel how to get further along in the games... CRAZY! For Jer - he is off on a trip next week and will be traveling for a few weeks to come, so that is back in our lives, its all good here.

Our big family news... NO I"M NOT PREGNANT!! but we are looking at getting a family dog. I'm so so excited about this process! A little nervous but mostly excited!! Just hope our cat that we've for going on 7 years adjusts o.k. He is a big concern of our thru the process in getting the new addition to our family. We are looking forward to working with Tory Topping @ Stone Hollow Dog Training. Check out his website, I'll keep you all posted as we work forward on this process.

Close for the evening's blog and I hope you are all well!

1 comment:

videobabe said...

NP on the dog with the cat. The cat is top dog - so to speak. They will adjust or the cat will just crush the dog. Plain and simple. House is big enough for them both to have their own territory.