

Friday, October 19, 2007


Halloween is coming up, well I would have to say its probably my all time FAVORITE holiday! I love to help the kids figure their costumes out after they come up with the "general" idea, and I just love this time of year period... but well the rain completely SUCKS this year... that can go away anytime!

So anyhow what are the Miller boys going to be this year?!?! Our oldest one, Mitchel wasn't going to dress up at all BUT now that he was invited to a Halloween party ... he's going to. So he wants to be Michael Jackson... un huh crazy right? But I think its kinda funny... and since geez back in the day I was a huge fan of his. Mitchel does not care for the guy at all which I think makes it all the more funnier :) ... so yes I will be trying to put this together today... ideas?

As for Issac, the simple kid (well kinda) He wants to be a 1980's ROCKSTAR, he came up with the picture and all and well I mocked it and its gonna be great. I got most of the things he needed ... even the leggins with the baggy shirt, boots and BIG hair, the big jewels. I have to get a few more little things and he'll be set. Its fitting for him since he is really into the 80's music right now.

For little Blade... well he changes everyday on his idea but lately he's been on the kick of being a PUPPY, and he wants to be a black puppy with a red collar. Pretty cute but not sure if its an idea to stay or not... but I guess I best start looking... and working harder on this with him. On our next day we have as "Mommy and Blade" I will take him out to look to get his head stirring :)

Yesterday was a pretty good day, I got out of the house with my sister Madonna. She had a partial hystercomy (spelling??) done last week so I wanted to check on her and get her out of the house for a bit yesterday. It was a nice short trip to DBQ for her to get her out for awhile. She looks good and seems to be recovering great! I'll be her driver for a few weeks yet but thats ok ... I no longer got home for 3O minutes or so to answer a few things with Dustin and then I was off again to DBQ, Tammy was having a rough week too so we opt' to run to DBQ to do the "boring" shit of WalMart, Hobby Lobby ... but we did go to the mall for a bit... I have to say this... this year of clothes again SUCK!!!! I tried a pair of jeans on last night ... WHOWHO I'm down a size! I'm happy!!!!! The mall in DBQ is actually looking nice... they are doing a bunch of remodeling and WOW its updated immensely. Go check it out :)

Ok back to real stuff going on here. By now I am sure some of you heard about the "small ocean" we had in our basement Wednesday night and Jer catching water with a 9x12 pan and contined to a bucket... It was HORID!! I didn't see it when it was bad bad and the water was just gushing in but when I did get down there it looked bad :( So now we have to deal with this issue! If it seriously isn't one thing... its another! Really beginning to wonder if this house was meant to be done for us ... SERIOUSLY! other events at this house this week... well 'curb and gutter' is going in and GEESH if it ever stops raining maybe they will get it done! but completely annoyed by it all! Not fun to carry a load of groceries in the POURING down rain from the street to the frick'n house :(

Weekend I hope will be a time for Lis Lis to unwind a bit... God knows I need it. I've been doing well with the no pop... all week so far... but the coffee helps a TON! I only have one of those in the am though and that is enough.

Hope all of you are well... no pictures yet :( can't get camera to upload my new pictures... need Jer's help.

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