

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Hello all~

Geepers where does time go anymore??? I won't even begin to apologize for slacking off because well I just can't!
Its been total chaos here this week as well as some of last week.

We finally got our lawn seeded :) YES finally! I am now considered the 'water girl' and there is no joking about it. Its an all day process starting at 7am and ending about 7:30-8pm watering our HUGE ass lawn. We only have one outside spicket on this house... why? I dunno! but I am working on Jer to get another one which I hope can happen this week yet. The huge problem I run into is its not staying wet... because I have to go from one side of the house (am) to the other side of house (mid afternoon/pm) and the first 1/2 is dry already :( completely annoying but today was a better day at it... this is day 3 of watering and more watering. I just hope at the end of day 15 I can see something sprout, and we get just a little help from mother nature... not like a HUGE down pour but a nice settle rain occasionally to help the process.

Mitchel has been a busy little beaver helping me water the grass as well as putting in LOTS of flowers. I had a TON of coupons for Sunset Nursery from years back (from our other house) that I came across awhile ago when I was cleaning... so I took him and Blade over to the nursery yesterday and again today to use them up... we got a lot of flowers for little $$ since I had like $150 in 'flower dollars' as Mitchel calls them :) I only ended up putting $35.00 with the coupons, this was including some plants for the garden we put in too with the help of my dad. Mitchel truly has the green thumb in this family. He absolutely loves planting things and reading about how grass grows and how flowers should be planted, etc. He knew exactly what he was buying and what he wanted to when we got back home with all these flowers and plants. I didn't let him plant any flowers up by the house since I am not sure whats all going to happen with sidewalks, garage, etc. So he just got to plant them by the garages and along the fence line in the backyard. He planted some big planters for up by the house though... like almost too many but thats ok, it looks cheery :) and very nice.

Yes we have a garden put down below the house.... sweet corn, potatoes, carrots, green beans, onions, tomatoes, and I don't know what else. This is Mitchel's thing :) as well as my dad's. I do want my mom to teach me how to can tomatoes this year thou, that is the biggest reason why I pushed the garden :) but Mitchel has been really a great help outside, and he LOVES it!!
So if you come to our house make sure you notice his flowers because he is SO SO proud of them all. It was really cute too because he wanted to have it all done before Jer got home tonight so he was still working on it at 8:30 tonight.

Oh, lets see what else is new. This week was full of chaos for Jer too... a bunch of work stuff going on, some good, some bad. Just hope it gets better for him, its been a tough week this week for him :( I know he made the right decision and the decision was not easy by any means but he did what he felt was right. Jer, just know I am VERY PROUD of you!!!!!!

Other house news? Dustin will be finishing up the trim peices on the paneling surrounding the staircase and then maybe banister will go on, I am not sure what he will go to next. Many thoughts of changing paint colors but think I am just going to touch up the paint and go with it for now... just want to get closer to the finish line now, not sure how much more I can take living without a kitchen and constant mess. I will be just a happy camper when the main level is complete as well as the fnishing pieces to the attic. Its all worth the wait because Dustin's talent goes way beyond! We are just so happy with everything he has completed and look forward to the next. Possibly going to get a sidewalk in soon... well I am hopeful :) Hope Jer can talk to a few people this weekend and make the decision factor on that.

I am SO ready for school to be OUT. Kids are getting cranky and anxious... think they have like 25 or so days left. Issac is very much ready for it to be over. Mitchel has a field trip on Friday and I am going to go along with them. He also has a band trip on Saturday... not sure if I am going on that one yet or not since I haven't heard anything yet.

Blade's been a little stinker this week... its getting older and he is really testing me lately. Yesterday we were outside and he ran off to play with the little neighbor boy... he's never ever done that before and he was out of my site before I turned around and I was flippin out since I couldn't find him, since I thought he went back into the house but he didn't... he wandered off to the neighbors. ARGH!!! Then today he thought he would help Mitchel water flowers.... oh did he ever water them, he drowned them :( Boys will be boys I guess.

Well, I best hit the hay... am will be here before I know it. Hope you are all well

1 comment:

Video Babe said...

Welcome back sister! My parents always froze everything. I freeze tomatoes. Toss them in boiling water and peel, cut and toss in a baggie. Done. We need to get together soon. I miss you.