

Monday, March 12, 2007

Good bye Winter, Hello Spring!!!

Yay is Spring finally here? I sure hope so! It sure has been beautiful the whole weekend and today is great outside!
Blade and I went strolling already today and hope to get out again.

The weekend was here and gone. Mitchel was gone with Grandpa Dave this weekend, so Friday night Issac and Jer went to see the movie "300" they said it was incredible. Blade and I went and ran some errands, I found a few cute things for myself on clearance racks... l LOVE bargians!! Lately I have a "feddish" with crazy shoes... with funky designs and colors. I found two pair for $20.00 so I was happy!! Its truely a sickness like I have with switching my purses out. Oh well, right? Only live life once.
So anyhow I was on a mission after I found my "pokadot" shoes to find a few cute shirts to go well with them so off to Target and Old Navy we were... in the process I loose a shoe... but I knew I lost it at Target so I went and asked them if someone turned it in or if it did get turned in, it was mine. Yeh I know only ME!!! I seriously would loose my head if it weren't attached!
So anyhow movie is over we went to pick up the boys... went to get some supper so we thought "something new something different"... so Ground Round it was, WOW never ever again! It was horid!!!

Saturday, Jeremie took the boys to Sundown for the afternoon and I worked for Tammy at the store, it was a good steady day for her. I enjoy being in the atomosphere. It was a fun day. Then a big surprise... Mel and Michele stopped in for a quick visit, that was nice of them, THANKS GUYS!! I am sorry it didn't work out to bead with you guys. Please don't think I don't want to join you its just a matter of 'when'. I find it hard to balance my time... with Jer's travel, my boys being involved in many things, and keeping up on my house. I promise I will join you sometime, really!!!!

After we closed the store up, Tammy and I went for a short walk before the boys came home. After my walk I did do a few things I wanted to get done before Molly came to watch the boys for the night.
Jer and I were off to our 'usual' night of a good meal at Houlihans then came back to Cascade, I was feeling a little tipsy...didn't eat anything all day and well the drinks were hitting me ... WOW! I was hurtin' a little the next am. Good thing I only drink occasionally. My head is still pounds from the thought of the evening but it was a good time seeing Jason and some other people that evening. We really need to get all our friends together and go out some night soon... hoping this Saturday night will work we will see :)

Ah what else is new? Well I got my haircut and colored last week not sure if I posted that last time or not, but its a fun cut and color. I'm happy with it, I went to Jer's cousin Abby and she did a great job.
Today I did some more cleaning, I wish it was warm enough to shut the furance off and open the windows... but in time I can do that which I hope is soon.

My thought for the day: I help so many people out, well I try my hardest to be helpful and give my advice or thoughts.
Sometimes I just wish the people I give in my life would give a little back. Thats not wrong to think, right?

Well I best close for the day, I have laundry to fold and put away yet and then I want to get outside again.



A~ said...

Lis, you are so sweet to everyone, I hope no one takes you for granted... they shouldn't... you are an awesome friend, mother, wife, and person... remember that, and take some time for yourself. Hope you found your shoe! You'll have to let me know where you found the good deal! Night!

Video Babe said...

Good things come back in different ways. Might not reciprocate directly from the person(s) you directly help. You are blessed with your family, friends, home and health. We are all interconnected in some way, shape or form. Keep up the good deeds. We love you. Jenn