Hello Friends~
As I sit in a coffee bar " KALADI'S" in Galena, waiting for Jer to finish up some work he wants to get done. I spent much of the afternoon walking around Galena to all the small little shops here, it was fun and relaxing but at the same time... they suck:( I am just so used to Tammy's store and looking for those kinds of things... although I did manage to find a few cute things for Blade, and found a awesome BEAD shop... yes Mel... I thought of you the whole time I was in there and well... now I have 'bead fever... and my head is stirring with ideas!!!! YIKES!!!!!!
Why are we in Galena? Well... our hardwood floors are being done this week and today, tomorrow and Saturday are the 'finishing days' so yes we are offically "homelis" again... (just kiddin') but feels like that since we can't go back home until Sunday sometime. It feels great to finally have the floors sanded and prepped for completion but it was really hard to leave at the same time...
So today the kids were off to school and this evening they are staying with my parents while Jer and I get sometime to ourselves. Not sure what the night holds ahead of us... if we will stay here in Galena or stay in DBQ. Undecided if we want to eat here in Galena or at Houlihans... we are just a couple that is undecided today :) but thats o.k. Tomorrow we will go back and pick up the kids and be off to the DELLS for the night, think we may stay at the "Wilderness' this time and then go from there once we get settled in. Saturday is Mitchel's first soccer game for the season... at 3pm in Bettendorf so we will head back for that, then we heard that there is a 'good' band at the Bent Rim on Saturday evening... we may check that out. All of you are welcome to join us!!! REALLY HOPE YOU CAN ALL MAKE IT, we sure seem to have a great time together!!!
So lets back up a bit... its been forever since I last posted... I KNOW :( So this week pretty much was BUSY BUSY with cleaning and getting all the laundry done before we left today. Yesterday Blade and I were trapped in the attic most of the day since the staircase was being sanded ... we could of left but it was raining and yucky out so we just hung out in the attic and folded laundry and sorted mail and just did the 'odd' jobs that never get done... so I feel very good about the things I accomplished this week. Blade is such a DOLL, just says the cutest and funnies things sometimes and its just really hard not to laugh... when you shouldn't, if you know what I mean...
This week the boys and I went to the dentist and sat in "Aunt Lisa's chair" as Blade would say and had the 'icky stuff' in our mouths (flouride) He was so darn cute after he got his teeth cleaned... it was hilarious!
Last weekend... hrm what did we do? Oh a very very BUSY weekend. I helped Tammy with her Open House on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. She did ROCK STAR!!!! I was so so happy for her because this last month was a complete hell raiser month for her preparing for it. Just goes to show dedication and hard work pays off :) it also makes me appreciate my decision in closing my store... I just enjoy working there and leaving... and my work there is done and there is absolutely no baggage... everytime I work there it makes me realize more and more it was for the best. I am just so grateful it was Tammy who walked into the location and made it her store, gives me a lot of peace with it all.
Friday night we had supper with Ron and Jenn, it was very nice to see them again! Call us anytime... you know where to find us:) Saturday night Jer and I went for supper ... of course at Houli's and then we went to see the movie "REIGN OVER ME" I highly suggest the movie, it was so touching! Just incredible acting by Adam Sandler. Yes its a 'sappy, drama' movie but its very very worthwhile seeing! I LOVED IT!!!
House updates... well floors will be completed by Monday... and well we are still 'Kitchen lis' (as Billy would say) but we meet the contractor who is building them for us on Monday, I am SO SO excited just to get the process started, by the end of the month or beginning of May we should have a kitchen. YEAH!!! The foyer is almost completed with the trim, looks amazing of course :) That Dustin is THE BEST... so so happy he is doing all of our finishing work, he has a lot of patience to be working with the Miller's... as well as Janet :) We have had nothing but the best working on our house in the last few months, I am just very grateful to them all. Oh... what else... we are having the foyer paint color changed... yep! we are... the current color blends to much in with our woodwork and well... looks nasty ass... so changing it to a greyish/greenish color. I'm excited to see it go on, maybe next week it will go on since Janet thought she could work on it while we were gone but that wasn't happening she was 'banded' from the house too.
So anyhow I will close this up, I hope you all are having a good week and well enjoy the weekend that is coming up on us.
Again I hope to see you all out partin' it up with us this weekend!
Enjoy :)
Poor girl, you are home"lis" huh? Well, you could always shack up here =) We have lots of beds, but some tend to be more aimed at the puppies then people, darn dog lovers that we are... spoiled is what they are... I hope you and Jer are having a great night together, enjoy! And I will try to give you a call tomorrow about the e-mail I received about the invitation. Later gator! Cheers!
I'm still waiting to make a mess in your kitchen baby and teach you how to really really cook!
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