Ok today is my baby's 4th Birthday... sad and happy all at once... so hard to believe he is 4 already! Seems like yesterday when we were sharing the news with all our family and friends, where does time go, really?? Would love to have another one... but geesh I am just OLD and really have a hard time keeping up with life the way it is... So no more children for this Miller family.
Ok so anyhow Blade is SO excited about it being his birthday today! He took birthday treats to school yesterday (candy necklaces and lafty tafty) of course he picked them out... it was SO SO cute when he was deciding on what he and "his kids" at school would like, it was a 15 min. thinking process for Blade, so I will forever remember it!
Tonight we will go have pizza for Blade's birthday with his Godparents, and open presents and have yummy cake.
So backing up a bit since I last posted... HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY on my blog to my middle baby, ISSAC! We celebrated Issac's birthday on Friday, he is now 11. He had a friend come spend the night, we were off to the PlayStation and Olive Garden since this is what he chose for his special evening, Issac is my most "simplified" child, just so carefree... a lot like me?
So anyhow after we got home from having fun at the PlayStation and having dinner, we drove back to Cascade... from CR... its like 10pm when we were driving home and Issac knows thats when he was born... so we all sang LOUDLY to him and he was just SO happy! I love to see my kids happy!!! We got home, we did the whole cake thing and he opened his awesome presents he got from us, and his friend. Issac wanted "HEELEYS" (they are shoes with a 'roller wheel' in the heel") very cool! and he wanted new clothes, and a few other little things... yes got them all :) SPOILED I know!!! To be a kid again... they have some of the coolest things out these days...
The next birthday we will celebrate is Mitchel's... YIKES 13!!!!! that will be here in March...
So backing up to the events of Thursday evening... a night I don't ever in my life want to re live again!!! I had Jer returning from Switzerland and was on his way home from Chicago - that's all good... right? Well then Blade and I went to Mitchel's basketball game in Dyersville, they won... all good! Issac was at home with his friend Jake, I had called on him since he had a cell phone now... to keep track of him, they had just got to house... and were going to play... so I thought it was all good...
Well on our way home I dropped off a few boys after the game and headed for home, I literally pulled into our yard and Issac called me all in a panic and crying, saying " Jake fell off steps in the attic and hit the bottom steps by the attic door". I put the truck in park and ran upstairs like a mad woman and saw Jake laying on the carpet.... I asked a ton of questions, called Jake's mom immediately (Diane, my good friend is his mom) She said she was on her way, we keep talking to him, I got him up to move to the futon and then finally his mom was here... and I felt like he was getting worse... Diane was SO calm and I was a fricken mess, so I finally decided we were going to call 911 and have an ambulance come since he kept saying when he opened his eyes it was blurry.... that was enough for me. There was no blood or obvious bodily injuries but I knew he had injuries to his head and I was freaking out! Well... 911 is called and my friend Jason is on the EMT crew and he was the first responder... he of course immediately thought it was Issac who was hurt, at that point I was never so happy to see someone finally come... it didn't take long for them to get here but I was really really worried! So they got Jake already to go and off he went in the ambulance. When they left and the lights and siren went on I then LOST it, cried and cried I was so worried!!!! at some point I called Jer and he helped calm me down a bit. Jason called me a little later on saying that they got there and the dr. was with them and he was doing much better by the time they got to DBQ, then Jer got home... YEAH!!! then Diane finally did call us about 9ish saying that they did a CAT scan and everything looked ok, his vision was much better and had a minor concusion and were going to send him home. I was so happy to get that call saying he was going to be OK, and just to hear Diane's voice again made me feel a little better. I also felt really bad for Issac too, he was SO upset by it all and carries some of the blame, but I keep reassuring him that accidents happen and he did a really good thing by calling me right away. I thank Mitchel for being a really good brother and being with Issac while I stayed with Jake.
So with all of that I am happy to report Jake and Issac are both doing well, Jake especially! He is out of PE and recess for awhile so less risk of head injury, and his parents put his bike in the garage until its nice and sunny out again :)
So where are we at now... oh Saturday, well I had asked Molly earlier in the week if she wanted to babysit and of course the boys were excited as much as she was. So we had her lined up to come later in the evening. Well... our planned changed alot throughout the day... We decided that we were going to spend the night somewhere and have dinner and a few drinks... so we booked a room at the hotel connected with Houlihans. Molly came and stayed with the boys for the evening - they had a BALL!!!! It was a night of food, drinks, gambling, and relaxing for Jer and I. I really enjoyed the evening, but I drank alot for not having anything to eat ALL day... so it hit me fast... one long island ice tea... made me a bit goofy! I was sending the most off the wall txt msgs ... so Mel I apologize!!! if I got annoying!! Yes I had only had one at that point... jeesh! So by the time Jer and I were done eating we were stuffed with food... we even had dessert for the first time there... thats how loaded we both were... a few drinks to many! We sobered off for a bit and then went to the casino and blew some $$... didn't win much at all... all out of fun! A good night, may turn it into a monthly thing for us... time will tell on that one...
Sunday came... we got home about 12pm made the kids a late breakfast, I made some chili, and Mitchel's cheese dip for supper later on in the evenig since it was SUPERBOWL Sunday. We watched a movie in the attic until it was game time... we all kept warm in the attic since it was too frigid to go anywhere! A nice relaxing Sunday that went super fast!
Ok... house update... well my corner cabinet in the dining room is complete... just needs to be painted and stained. The lockers continued to be sanded as I sit here and type away on this but they are going to be absolutely beautiful when they are done, I can't wait!!!! Dustin is moving along into the "blue" room this week... starting with finishing the floor... putting walnut accents around outside of the room, it will be cool!!! The theater is still being tackled with drywalling... possibly will be sprayed on Saturday. Much to do down there yet... I have no carpet or paint color picked out yet... but we did buy the hardwood for it when we were in Chicago... just can't wait to see it complete, but believe me its going to be awhile yet.
Dustin is doing an amazing job with our house, I love all that has been done already!!!!
Well I should end this... its getting LONG!!!! and I have tons of laundry to get folded and put away!!
Until we talk again.... keep warm!!
Diane is a doll! God bless the way it all turned out. I am still mad at my sister. I was 6 months old and she held me over her head and DROPPED ME ON THE CEMENT FLOOR! I lived. I know I am whacked, but I lived. Jenn
Happy (late) Birthday, Blade!!!!
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