

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Hi out there...
Today was just one of those "blah" days! A day full of laundry, cleaning and misc things. Life just seems to never slow down here at the Miller household, its crazy!! Today was an early out day for the boys so they hit the slopes with their dad for the afternoon, Blade and I stayed behind at home and got some things done... yep he was upset again that he didn't get to go, felt really bad for him because he just can't understand fully why he "can't go" and Jer of course tells him "he's not big enought yet" and Blade just refuses to acknowledge that fact... but anyhow he survived the day with his mom... but one of these times he will get to go with them and YES I will have the house to myself or a day to myself.

Today I realized something... Blade and I spend a lot of time together lately - not sure if its a good or bad thing yet... I'd like to think its good but he is getting WAY dependent on me ... and is that good or bad? I love to be at home with him. Since now that we are in the house he probably has only gone to the daycare a total of 3 days in the last several months and I dont think I can periodically send him anymore since he doesn't like it now and is SUCH a "home body". He was going to his grandma's once a week but well... that didn't work out like we wanted it too since grandma's schedule seems to be 'too busy'... so whatever, but I think I need to make a little change in the week... he has to go somewhere besides preschool 2 half - days a week to get out of the house... its good for him and its good for me. However if it gets "set in stone" that he can go 2 FULL days of Preschool next semester that would be good :) but when the boys are gone during the day and then gone at night to Sundown that is hard on this little guy... he really misses them so hope we make it thru the winter season :)

This weather isn't it amazing? Got all your outside jobs done? I am thinking tomorrow while Blade is at school I am going to try my damnest to get our "WT" yard cleaned up, its really been bothering me, not to mention the dumpy wagon we have parked on the driveway... now if that ain't a beautiful thing... but hopefully this weekend we can get that dumped.
Hrm... what else is new... well we offically have floor boards now laid at the bottom of the steps :) YEAH!!! no more freaky floor like Blade would say :) ... the mudroom floor was started today and hopefully will be finished up by Monday.
When will we tackle putting the lockers in? I would like to say 'soon' but time will tell... first we would have to make a path to get to it and then clean around them since all our stuff is in storage there.

Hows the shopping going? Done yet? I'm not but sure wish I was!!!! I have all the "hard ones" left to do as well as going with Jer to get the our boys done. I am getting to the point of "stressing" out about it and I shouldn't be but you know how that goes... it'll be fine I just have to keep telling myself that, right?

Well I better close - want to get some gifts wrapped yet and well the laundy still sits in the basket yelling for me... and its LATE... so wishing you all a great rest of the week - Sing a Christmas carol :)

1 comment:

Mel said...

Post, damnit! I'm going through withdrawal! Hee hee! :)