

Monday, December 04, 2006


Well this is one BIG thing I wanted to accomplish today and I finished it up after I located some lights... thank goodness Tammy had some because I could not find any anywhere!!! No Walmart didn't even have clear white stranded white lights!!! Well the Anamosa Walmart didn't! I was SO mad!!!! Anyhow here is the live "Frosty tree". He turned out better than I thought he would so yes I am pretty happy with him.

So there is sickness in our house :( Mitchel has been in bed all day, the only time he got up was to go to the bathroom - the poor kid can't keep anything down, I just feel helpless when my kids are sick! He proabably will be home again tomorrow but we will see how the night goes. For Blade I think he is back to being Blade :) all perky and happy!

I got some more gifts wrapped tonight and feeling pretty good about what I have done so far, we mainly have our kids left to do and a few good friends but other than that we should be done soon - YEAH!!!! and that is always a great feeling!!!

Tomorrow I am CLEANING all day - going NO WHERE except to get my hubby at the airport and taking the kids to school! Today I played with the tree and wrapped gifts most of the day... pretty lazy today :( and hung out in Mitchel's room with him and Blade after I did a few things.

Plans for New Years yet???? Hope not!!!! We want to host the party this year... yes our house is undone but life will go on into 2007 and what better way to spend it??? in our house filled with friends!!!! Hope all of you can make it!!!! Get your babysitters if you haven't already :)

Until I blog again! stay warm!!!!

1 comment:

Mel said...

That tree turned out really, really cute.