

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Just another Manic Monday:)

Monday... monday... first things first...

Happy Anniversary goes out to my dearest friend Abby and her hubby Tory :) Hope you had a wonderful evening together! thought of you guys today when the weather was absolutely gorgeous!!! just like the day you got married which seems like yesterday!

Today not much happened... Blade and I got a walk in and he played outside for a bit while making a few trips up to house.
I got the light cleaning done for the day and most of the laundry caught up... but just really enjoyed the day with Blade :)

Exciting news for the day is.... our new washer and dryer arrived to the house - YEAH all installed, its a little tight fit but I love the color of them... so glad they are "different" from the just normal white - GOOD JOB JER!!! they are like a metallic grey almost, we went with the GE Harmony (they are supposed to be the "quietest" and most balanced) It was a hard decison giving up my Magtag Neptunes but after all the new reviews of the newer Maytag models coming out and warranty is very limited on them... due to the lawsuit they had... just thought it was best going with other options as well as it was going to be better to have a TOP load washer for the space. Also the ceilings are all painted at the house as of today :) YEAH!! and color will go on walls tomorrow I hope.

Tonight got quite a bit accomplished, finished up the laundry I started during the day then it was off to the house to pick up the hillside of the house ... that was FULL of walnuts! Thanks a TON to Billy for raking them into piles and I then scooped them up... went MUCH quicker than by hand... which was what I had intended... but good thing for brains!!! Thanks to Ja for hauling them away to the dump for us... one side of the house down and other side to go.

A pretty layed back night back at home after "walnut pickup" ate some supper and then chilled with the kids for a bit... we were going to watch Survior but... the eispode was posted wrong... so Jer bought it twice :( so hopefully they will get it corrected since there were many complaints online. Kevin and Lisa stopped into say "hi' ~ it was nice to see them, their little puppy Vinnie is sick... Hope they get to the bottom of it cuz she is a keeper! she is just SO SO cute!!!

So after kids were showered and did their reading Jer and I ran up to house to do a few things - started decorating the bathroom, got something hung and put together as well as put away, and worked on a "to do list" and many many notes of what needs to be done "for my checklist" WOW if there isn't a lot!!!

Well today is the 2nd day of October... we have to be out of the apt in 13 days... or less... just dont want to do a renewal on contract which they are "now enforcing" and never really enforced it before... Jer would like to really move in this weekend... we'll see about that one, it maybe possible... maybe! I'm off to help out at the store this weekend so Tammy can take a little vacation and get away- I'm looking forward to it, if you are around... come visit :)

Big week for Mitchel... tournament begins for the Dyersville League Thursday evening... and does his 1st preformance at homecoming in Marching band... he made front row :) which is a big deal I guess... he's pretty excited! Tournament this weekend... as well so hope it all goes well for him, since the boy lives and breathes soccer and excitement :)
Issac's first day of band tomorrow with his instrument... he is going to play drums. Blade... well unfortunately he is going to see a lot of the daycare this week... I've got a lot to get done if we are going to seriously move out this weekend.

Enjoy the weather... its AWESOME!!!

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