

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

WOW well today was a GREAT day! I spent most of the day with my greatest friend, Diane... whom is my best friend :) It was birthday, turned the good ol' 41 today ... so happy day to you Diane! I met up with her about 1030ish and gave her gifts before we took off for the day, we went into DBQ for lunch at AppleBee's, had a light lunch since we are both doing the W.W. diet, after lunch we headed downtown and went walking on the trails by the river, it was a GORGEOUS day and just so carefree and relaxing, I know I needed a day like that as well as Diane, so what better way to spend a birthday, right? I think we walked over 45 mins, but I absolutely enjoyed it!!! We got back to town about 3:45ish, and when I was going to take Diane home, we drove by an accident... here it happened to be a dear friend of both of us, Lisa M. involved... my heart just sank, I really felt bad for her since I know recently she got new wheels, and I know how terrible it feels to be in a accident, I wanted to stop and hug her!! So anyhow Lisa... I know how you feel!! Hope this finds you well and remember you have LOTS of good friends around you if you ever need anything!!!
So I got home and boys were still at the farm so I got some things done around here, I can't stress enough how much I HATE it here, I went to do some laundry tonight before the kids got home and the fricken washer just quits during the load, I was so PO'ed!! That was the end of the straw for giving the "crappy laundry facilities" here the last chance so tomorrow I will haul it all over to Billy's and get it done, pain in the ass but believe me its MUCH better in my own neptunes.
I got a few errands in and ran up to the house to check on a few things with "Jay the bricker" he is such a hoot... they got quite a ways today, its really looking how I pictured it so that to me feels like a sense of accomplishment.
Boys got home and they wanted to do something tonight since there was no soccer practice tonight for Mitchel, so they suggested a movie, so that it was. We went to see Fast and Furious III, Blade was ok but he was confused on "when the movie was coming on" since the boys kept talking about all the cool cars that were going to be in it... so maybe he thought it was going to be the "CARS" movie again, He was a trooper though once the movie did show some action with the cars.
I ate and did really good all day until we got to the movie... had a little popcorn and a few chips :( so hurt !!!!! I am really feeling quilty now that I did that!!! WOW why did I do that, I know it wasn't a lot but I really can't fall into bad habits, I need to take this seriously, I want to have my 10% loss gone by the end of July. I will be back on track tomorrow and no more slipping, its probably going to hurt me when I weigh in tomorrow but its my own fault. Boys were so loaded on popcorn that they didn't want anything to eat after the movie except for ice cream... so Culver's it was, Eric's girlfriend Jamie was working so it was nice to see her cheerful face at the window :)
So tonight I got back to town I needed to get some water from the shop and I had called down and asked Tammy to just leave it out back but they were still there working so I went in to "thank" them... WOW its looking way different in there, a total different feel from what my store was so that was a little hard to comprehend but just sallowed, and sucked it up, I am happy for Tammy but its still hard to see someone in the space yet, time will heal itself and all will be good!
I count my blessings everyday for the 3 wonderful boys I have and there is nothing I would rather have right now then the time i have with them, they grow so fast and that time never ever comes back, so I know I did the right thing by letting the doors close at the store because I have been enjoying the time with the boys and I know that they are happy to have their mom back full time :) I do however miss Jer a lot when he is gone on the road, and its tough being here without him but its what we have to do for now, things will slow down when the time is right. My family is my life and nothing can ever get in the way of that! Things may be a little shady living here but I have it all with my little family and thats all I need to get thru the day.
So tomorrow is Thursday... weigh in day... hope it goes ok, I always seem to get a little nervous but I'll just keep my chin high and hope for the best and strive to keep the weight coming off.

Until I blog again, enjoy whats in front of you and remember family and friends are the rock of your lives!!!

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