

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

oh gosh...

Well, its been awhile but I don't need to tell any of you that. I will just fill you in on the latest events of the Miller's.

Its holiday season and of course I stress out about ALL the details of Christmas! the decorating, all the parties, the $$, the whole "santa" thing, gift giving, family and friends and on and on. The last two weeks I have been a BIG BALL of stress!

I'm getting impatient with the whole house completion thing... just really thought we would be done for Christmas this year and well... we're NOT! so that is a BIG damper on Christmas for me :( and considering the fact that I'm usually all done Christmas shopping by now for kids and close to everyone including family and friends... and frankly I haven't even begun!! just getting worried that if I don't get started everything will be picked over and there will be nothing :( I know Christmas will still go on but it is a drag that I'm SO SO far behind!

I am also stressing out because this year I decided to have the "adult Christmas" party for my side of the family... and well its this weekend, Saturday night! I finally put the last of the decorations for Christmas up today on our main floor and cleaned like each room from trim to walls to floors completely... all washed and smelling fresh until the dust stirs up again... main floor is ready besides cleaning it once more before Saturday... tonight and tomorrow I will work on tidying upstairs... and getting a tree up in the attic and maybe widow's peak... we'll see how much time is left after I have the house the way I want it before then... and not to mention getting food and beverages and all that jazz ready too... SO MUCH TO DO! I also have like 10 loads of laundry to do ... so far behind on that!

Ok so enough whinning! good things? the snow, I like snow and seeing the kids play in it. Issac is totally clearing a jump they made... by like 4-5ft in the air, has no fear! Blade loves to go outside in the snow, he's so cute when he's bundled up. Hey Mel... can I get you to make a few scarves for him? The older boys have been to Sundown a few times already and loving that too of course!

How many trees did I get up? well i'll have close to 14 when I'm done... thats if I get a tree up in the Widows peak, the kids have been begging and would like to get it done just not sure how to do it so you can actually go up there too... I love all the trees and the lights, its just a happy warmth feeling to me, but each tree has its own look and feel. Really stumpted this year on which is my MOST favorite, they all turned out for the most part how I visioned. No tree in the addition yet and not sure there will be one.

SO I best get back to being productive, lots to do! Hope you are all well.