

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Got Nutin

Not a whole lot to post about, another weekend flew by with soccer and well here we are at Wednesday already.

Life is good here at the Miller's, boys staying busy with soccer and school. Jer has been working more and more at home out of his office lately so thats been nice. I have been trying to do "fall clean up" around the house and trying to stay on top of things aorund here... including the laundry... but then I get called away to help here and there so it piles up on me... but thats ok life goes on.

Updates at the Miller pad, Dustin is working on finishing things in the addition, and attic, and then will add our backsplash in kitchen... before he travels down to the basement... tons to be done there but electrical has to happen as well as some plumbing before he can really tackle anymore down there. Billy please please come back soon!

The new color is done in the entry/foyer area. Its exactly the color I was going for down there so its all awesome now :) Kitchen will be repainted very soon... after trimming gets done between addition and dining room area.

Today I got asked again if we would put our house in "The Christmas Walk" for the season... I just can't bring myself to doing it this year yet and making that HUGE commitment since I don't know what the future really holds if we don't keep things progressing... part of me would love to do it... but then a part of me is very held back... do I really want all those people/strangers coming thru my house????? Not to mention that is IF the house is just barely done by Dec.... that means furniture and all the 'extra' decorating that comes with it. I really think NO, just not ready for all of that yet. A HUGE maybe for next year.

The thought of Christmas... just gets my stomach turning! ARGH! Will we ever be done with this house?? I'm just ready for it to be done VERY soon! Then life can be somewhat normal again for all of us here.

ALright, enough of me nagging... but I got a post off my "to do" list for the day so that is something said :)

Happy Birthday JERRY!!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

What's In Your Purse?

Ok so a good friend of mine (Mel) did a recent blog on 'whats in her purse' after she cleaned her belongings out of her purse.
Well today I decided I would do upon her request :) a blog post about it too. If any of my readers decide to do one that would be fun :) ... go ahead it really is fun.

So today, after 'moving' my crap from one purse to another... change of color. This is what I found in my purse.

my calendar
my makeup bag
'notebook' with just 'house' stuff in it
tape measure
my 'to buy and do' notebook
cell phone
'brag book' of photos
reciept/coupon binder thingy
envelope of scrip cards
bank deposit
my special brush for my hair extensions
small regular brush
soft lips
bandaid first aid kit
4 pens
few crayons
sm mirror
my meds
a hotwheel car
sticky note for reminders of the day
keys for truck
keys for shop
loose change
clinque lipstick
fingernail clippers
loose receipts

WOW that is a lot of crap! I need to down size!!!! Dig through your purse today and find all your goodies :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Mid Week...

Wow where does time go anymore... here we are at mid- week... as Abby would say... HUMP day, nice post there Abby! Too cute!

Quiet house today well besides the construction noises and D's singing, all kids were off to school today so it was pretty quiet here this a.m. and my hubby is off in Boston until tomorrow. I did get a few things accomplished before I took off for the day to help Tammy at the store. Yeh I had a TON of crap to get done here at the house but I set it aside until this evening... now I'll probably be up all night catching up, but thats ok since I don't sleep well when Jer is gone.

Tammy got all her Christmas decor in at the store so its time to get it all marked and inventoried... then we will start throwing it together for "pretty". She got some pretty cool stuff in for the season, I'm excited!

Tonight I 'decorated' the main bathroom on the main floor... well started anyway. It turned out o.k. I didn't hang anything, I just moved a few things and decorated the funky shelf I had D make for me... nothing is 'simple and ordinary' in this house... its all got LIS LIS written over it as I've been told. I like to have my own ideas and be different :)

Posting pictures of it again... but not the best! Someday I will get that new camera... (hint hint Jer :) ... I found a pink little camera recently that I would like to get... since ours is on the fritz and needs to be sent in under our warranty.

Ok so what else is new? Hrm... no current steps in the addition, they were tore out... since the orginal contractor screwed them up... designed them for carpet! IDIOTS!!! So D is working hard at getting that all straightened out this week. He finished laying the hardwood out there yesterday. LUV LUV IT! We got the new color on the walls out in the foyer... same LUV LUV it!!! I can't wait for Jer to see it! Huge difference!! No more icky gold... hello terra cotta... clay color :) Yep that is the color I went with, SO HAPPY WITH IT! I can't wait to get it all cleaned up and finally decorate out there, it will be awhile since it connects with the basement and there will be lots of dust yet... so no point until that is all done... yeh gotta wait.

Oh for those who are dying to know if my hair is long or short... its still long! I did get it fixed and all straightened out with the gal, so its good for now, We'll see how "round two" goes.

Ok, got a little Blade stories to tell. On Sunday he learned how to ride his bike without training wheels with the help of Daddy.
Well now our little boy... is not little anymore... he's a big boy and he informs and shows everyone how he can ride his bike like his older brothers. Everyone who came to the house this week he has showed his new proud talent... thank you all for sharing that with him :) He can't wait to show his little friend, Max. He was very proud when he showed D and Janet, we laughed and applauded him all at once. He's just TOO cute! Also the other cute store this week with Blade was... On Monday they went to the Library at school, he got to bring a book home in his 'special bag' and just how he thought it was so COOL to go to the 'new library' at school since his classroom is now in the "old library" things he comes up with on his own is amazing sometimes!

I best close for now and get things done... laundry is calling my name bad! Hope tomorrow is a nice day like today was!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Mudroom :)

Well, I got curtains now in the Mudroom... waited awhile for them but it sure did turn out pretty cute if I must say so myself, then today I got busy before we hung them and cleaned cleaned and cleaned! the downstairs is clean and I love it... tomorrow it will be covered in dust again :( but oh well life goes on!

Then tonight I got brave and started hanging things up myself, using a level, drill and Mitchel... we got a few things accomplished. We brought in some twig branches from outside and incorporated them in the the decor, and it looks cool, I think... we'll see what others have to say about it.

Up on the lockers, I got the COOL lanterns... (3 different size and 2 sets) from Tammy's store and put those up there with 'fake candles' inside them, then put my JACK O' LANTERN light up there too... but there is no outlet yet so he's not plugged in yet, then filled in the empty spots with branches. I'm pretty happy with how it came together, its looks SO homey now... YEH!!!!!!!!

I did post some pictures... but they were taken with my laptop so they kinda suck :( but it gives a general idea...

Tomorrow I hope to put the finishing touches in there and move into the bathroom... now that I have some ideas for in there now :)

Can't blog much tonight... my computer is ready to die... and it has to last until Thursday since Jer is gone and has the power supply... YIKES! Hope I make it!!

Have a great week!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Oh boy! The flies around here are SICKING!!!!! We have literally hundreds of them!!!!!! They are disgusting!

Yes, so we look like a 'farmers barn' with fly tape everywhere its pretty bad. How did we manage to get all these little creatures?
Well our front door and patio door were open for like an entire day while moving wood out of the house and shuffling tools around... yeh stupid but what do you do? The job has to get done, right? So everyone knows how I absolutely hate bugs of any kind right? Well this is getting the best of me. Last night I had weird dreams... since Jer like killed 50 of them before going to bed in our room.... just GROSS!!!!! I HATE ALL BUGS!!!! yes even flies!!!!!!

I got a lot done this week I am pretty happy with my progress but yes a ton to do yet. This week I am changing the entry color... not sure what color yet for sure but leaning towards a "terra cotta" color, the only thing that throws me off is the red from the Mudroom... so we'll see but hope to have it all picked out tomorrow and painted fresh by the end of the day. We'll see how that goes.

Ok so awhile ago I got hair extentions, right? Like my hair was once mid length and then in a few hours it was long... I got this done three weeks ago today. Totally regretting it!!!!!!! This week I probably have lost one every other day! YES!!! Lis is not happy!!!! When well I got the 'fused extensions' (THE EXPENSIVE ONES) and they should last up to 3-5 months. Well I have an appointment tomorrow either to get them 'fixed' or taken out. Not sure at this point what to do... the frustration out weighs the look of happy long hair... make me sad and disappointed but I also paid BIG bucks for this and well just not happy with the product :( I mean come on... I've had them only 3 weeks and they are coming unattached... when they should last for months!
I've been baby'ing them too... using a special brush, washing it with 'their' shampoo and conditioner... braiding at night! ARGH just frustrating! Tomorrow either I will have my 'orginal' hair back or new extensions. The debate is still on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't this weather wonderful? I LOVE IT! But I believe I posted that already in a earlier blog but thats ok.

Today Blade was home from school, the older boys were back to school. He sure misses them when they are gone, and is not sure what to do without them, its pretty darn cute when he ask like every 15-20 mins if they are coming home soon.

Today Blade was exploring outside... he came upon the big dirt pile we have along side the house by the basement door. He's thinking "jackpot" and has been having a ball playing there for hours at a time and well is FILTHY when he's done, but that is my little boy being a boy, right?

Ok tonight Jer made this AWESOME lasagna!!!!!! Everything was made from scratch, it was absolutely wonderful!!!!! Of course I helped in the preparation... dicing, sliching, cutting, etc.... and I found the MAGIC recipe on the internet :) but he gets hands down credit for it because he did all the hard work :) Its been so great cooking in our new kitchen. WE LOVE IT!!!!!!! just need to get our fan hooked up and electrical done, that would help immensely!!!!

Ok enough is enough, I best get looking at the paint colors again and get that hashed over with Jer! and get my boys off to bed. Hope you all have a great weekend ahead! Enjoy!!!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Oh my...

Here we are on Wed. wow days fly by! No school for our boys today... I thought I was going to pull my hair out this morning with them screaming, fighting and well not listening... I know I just need to have more patience at times but ... today was not a day for Lis :( There was much to be done and I was on a mission... point blank! I know there is more to life than cleaning but ya know when you're in the mood... you don't want interference... well at least that is the way I am.

So now that I am somewhat caught up with housecleaning, thought I would move down the 'list of mine' and blog a little post.

Not a whole lot new here at the Miller house. Soccer seems to be the highlight lately and much of it. Issac had his 2nd race at Hawkeye Downs this last weekend. He did much better riding the track this time, he placed in 9th and 8th. All he wanted was to be in the top 10 and well he did it! He's very proud and we are too.

Things at house are moving along. Dustin cleaned out his tools from the addition and is moving to the basement. The flooring in the addition will be laid tomorrow and Friday. Today he put the walls up in the bathroom in the basement so we can get the plumber and electrican here soon so the tile can go down and then Dustin can move to that room after the addition is complete.
We are finally getting to the basement!!!! Yeah! It was such a good feeling to see the addition being cleared out for the flooring and null post to be added in. Hopefully it will go fast in the basement and then we will be done for awhile... until the garage or fireplace goes in. Just really hoping we can get Billy back in the action at the Millers soon... hint hint if he is reading :)

Well that is my post for today, I know boring but its a post... hope this finds you all well and enjoying the mist of fall :)
Its my favorite time of year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I'm not going to post a lot about the trip... but to sum the trip up it was TRULY AMAZING!!!!!

The wedding was GORGEOUS and no words to really describe it but that!!!! It was such an honor to be a part of a beautiful event!!! Its definately a memory that will be forever within.

The island we stayed at was BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

I met a lot of wonderful people and Jeremie is so fortunate to be working with all of them, what a fun bunch!!!!

LisNJer in Brazil

We had a wonderful time!!!!!! It was truly amazing, the wedding was AWESOME!!!!! We have many pictures to share.
Me with my husband, my very best friend!!

School Resumes

My boys are back to school, kinda bittersweet... but I know its all good! just feel like the summer flew by us and didn't get much 'vacation time' with them.

Blade was so excited to go, it was cute! but then once we got there and he realized he was there for the day... tears started to shed, I felt bad :( The older boys, Mitchel was roaring to go... Issac was a little hesitant since he was "unsure" of his new teacher since he heard 'some things' cute, heh? Anyhow the first day for all of them went very well.

Sorry I am just posting this... it was in my 'drafts' and just realized it... whoops!