

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Hello Friends~
As I sit in a coffee bar " KALADI'S" in Galena, waiting for Jer to finish up some work he wants to get done. I spent much of the afternoon walking around Galena to all the small little shops here, it was fun and relaxing but at the same time... they suck:( I am just so used to Tammy's store and looking for those kinds of things... although I did manage to find a few cute things for Blade, and found a awesome BEAD shop... yes Mel... I thought of you the whole time I was in there and well... now I have 'bead fever... and my head is stirring with ideas!!!! YIKES!!!!!!

Why are we in Galena? Well... our hardwood floors are being done this week and today, tomorrow and Saturday are the 'finishing days' so yes we are offically "homelis" again... (just kiddin') but feels like that since we can't go back home until Sunday sometime. It feels great to finally have the floors sanded and prepped for completion but it was really hard to leave at the same time...

So today the kids were off to school and this evening they are staying with my parents while Jer and I get sometime to ourselves. Not sure what the night holds ahead of us... if we will stay here in Galena or stay in DBQ. Undecided if we want to eat here in Galena or at Houlihans... we are just a couple that is undecided today :) but thats o.k. Tomorrow we will go back and pick up the kids and be off to the DELLS for the night, think we may stay at the "Wilderness' this time and then go from there once we get settled in. Saturday is Mitchel's first soccer game for the season... at 3pm in Bettendorf so we will head back for that, then we heard that there is a 'good' band at the Bent Rim on Saturday evening... we may check that out. All of you are welcome to join us!!! REALLY HOPE YOU CAN ALL MAKE IT, we sure seem to have a great time together!!!

So lets back up a bit... its been forever since I last posted... I KNOW :( So this week pretty much was BUSY BUSY with cleaning and getting all the laundry done before we left today. Yesterday Blade and I were trapped in the attic most of the day since the staircase was being sanded ... we could of left but it was raining and yucky out so we just hung out in the attic and folded laundry and sorted mail and just did the 'odd' jobs that never get done... so I feel very good about the things I accomplished this week. Blade is such a DOLL, just says the cutest and funnies things sometimes and its just really hard not to laugh... when you shouldn't, if you know what I mean...

This week the boys and I went to the dentist and sat in "Aunt Lisa's chair" as Blade would say and had the 'icky stuff' in our mouths (flouride) He was so darn cute after he got his teeth cleaned... it was hilarious!

Last weekend... hrm what did we do? Oh a very very BUSY weekend. I helped Tammy with her Open House on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. She did ROCK STAR!!!! I was so so happy for her because this last month was a complete hell raiser month for her preparing for it. Just goes to show dedication and hard work pays off :) it also makes me appreciate my decision in closing my store... I just enjoy working there and leaving... and my work there is done and there is absolutely no baggage... everytime I work there it makes me realize more and more it was for the best. I am just so grateful it was Tammy who walked into the location and made it her store, gives me a lot of peace with it all.

Friday night we had supper with Ron and Jenn, it was very nice to see them again! Call us anytime... you know where to find us:) Saturday night Jer and I went for supper ... of course at Houli's and then we went to see the movie "REIGN OVER ME" I highly suggest the movie, it was so touching! Just incredible acting by Adam Sandler. Yes its a 'sappy, drama' movie but its very very worthwhile seeing! I LOVED IT!!!

House updates... well floors will be completed by Monday... and well we are still 'Kitchen lis' (as Billy would say) but we meet the contractor who is building them for us on Monday, I am SO SO excited just to get the process started, by the end of the month or beginning of May we should have a kitchen. YEAH!!! The foyer is almost completed with the trim, looks amazing of course :) That Dustin is THE BEST... so so happy he is doing all of our finishing work, he has a lot of patience to be working with the Miller's... as well as Janet :) We have had nothing but the best working on our house in the last few months, I am just very grateful to them all. Oh... what else... we are having the foyer paint color changed... yep! we are... the current color blends to much in with our woodwork and well... looks nasty ass... so changing it to a greyish/greenish color. I'm excited to see it go on, maybe next week it will go on since Janet thought she could work on it while we were gone but that wasn't happening she was 'banded' from the house too.

So anyhow I will close this up, I hope you all are having a good week and well enjoy the weekend that is coming up on us.
Again I hope to see you all out partin' it up with us this weekend!

Enjoy :)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Oh Where thou week go??

Hello Friends,

Here we are Thursday and its been over a week since I last blogged! Terrible!!! Really slacking lately :(

I survived my oldest son make his way into teenage world! Mitchel turned 13 on Saturday. Where does the time go?
On Friday when I was cleaning his room and finally hanging things on the wall for him (the decorating isn't quite complete but its closer)... it hit me that WOW he's no longer a "boy" he's growing up on us. MItchel is such a good kid and well he's my oldest and its really hard to see him grow up, ya know?? Why can't they stay little just a little longer?
He had a good day, we took him, Issac and few boys and Blade down to Planet X in CR. The place is amazingly cool for kids!!!
They all had a great time. Then later that evening after we got back they hung out with Ms. Molly since we were going out with some friends for the night after we celebrated Mitchel's birthday.

So Saturday night... here I go... I want to thank all of our friends that came out to Karokee night with us. Jer and I sure had a lot of fun with you all. I know I got a little crazy and WOW NUTSO perhaps is the word! But all in all it was a great time! We enjoyed listening to Dustin sing his little heart out as well as the whole bar hearing his talent. WOW he can sing!!

When Sunday came around, well I was hurtin' a bit :[ not like sick just WOW damn lazy and by the time the night rolled around I was shot. The boys were off to Sundown for a few hours since it was closing day and Blade and I ran into DBQ to do a few things to kill some time, then we were off to my parents house to celebrate Mitchel's 13th birthday with family... since our house is not quite up to entertaining family, my mom hosted it for Mitchel. It was short and nice.

Well most of this week I got a lot of organizing and cleaning done ... imagine that one? Seems like thats all I do besides the never ending laundry that seems to pile upon pile. After cleaning hard yesterday I felt like I was seeing the end of the laundry... wrong! I went into the bathroom and another load just waiting to be done again. ANNOYING but oh well thats life and it has to get done.

Hasn't this weather been wonderful? I know it did rain most of yesterday but it did clear up and well we were out walking... I love this weather!!!

I am happy to report I have been eating 'healthier' this week and got on the scale today and was down 3lbs, YEAH!!!! I'm on a mission and I am stickin' to it if it kills me!!! I'm tired of being tired, lazy and fat and I'm not feeling sorry for myself any longer and just making this weight come off. I've been pretty good about getting some walk time in too which makes me feel good. I love to walk!

Today was a day I spent at Cranberry Hollow. Tammy's Spring Open House is this weekend. She had a fabulous day. I am so happy that she came into town, she makes things happen here and its very rewarding to see her be doing so well on these kinds of events because she truely puts her whole heart into everything she does :) I will be helping her out again on Saturday as well and possibly Sunday. If any of you need to get out of the house for a bit... cruise on out to Cascade and come visit us :-)

Until I blog again - get out and go for a walk Spring is offically here!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thursday... almost Friday

Wow what a week I've had so far... ICK! Just over all was not a good week for Lis :[ but luckily its almost Friday and the weekend will be here. I won't go into details but just it completely sucked for the most part. I am seriously tried of being nice all the time because really it kicks me in the ass ... but oh well thats life and it must goes on.

Jer is returning from Boston today, YEAH!!! It will be nice to have him home. The boys were pretty good this week with getting their homework done since the weather warmed up... they want to get outside afterschool. For Blade he is absolutely loving it, we try to get 2 walks in each day but yesterday was crappy out so didn't get any in yesterday... sad for both of us. If he could play outside all day he would but unfornunately he can't because its a mud pit outside our door. Hoping we can get the yard cleaned up and put some seed down until we know what we are going to do landscaping wise.

This Saturday is Mitchel's 13th birthday.. YIKES I get frightened when I think about it. Seriously where does time go? Seems like yesterday I just brought him home from the hospital... and WOW now he's going on 13! We are going to take Mitchel and some of his friends to Planet X on Saturday, should be fun for all of them.

House updates? Well... not much happened this week, Dustin had to go repair a door at our rental locations. He did start on the foyer area and maybe by the end of the day tomorrow the windows will be trimmed out. I'm hoping :) Theater room is still on hold... have to get the carpet picked out and color for the walls decided and honestly have no clue at the moment. It all cost
$$$$$$$ so we are pacing ourselves at the moment. Maybe we will get lucky and win that BIG lotto thats up for grabs... but as they say you can't win if you don't play... and well I didn't buy a ticket yet ;(

Some of you may know that I went in on a booth at the Dyersville mall with some friends of mine, set some things up last week and well wouldn't you know I sold some things already :) YEAH!! I don't have a whole lot to take up there but said I would go in on it. It's been fun so far but of course ... the booth is just ok... not quite how I would like it to look but it looks nice. Mel, if you are looking for some "beads"... there are a lot of necklaces up there that you could take apart and use the beads... some are like $2 to $3 each and some are very pretty but the necklace itself is BLAH. Just a thought for you.

Well best get moving, I am sitting in the widow's peak doing nothing when I should be folding laundry... and sweeping floors.
Life is still crazy at the Miller household and I am still waiting for that day for absolute silence :) and completion... but its worth waiting for because the end is getting closer each day.

Hope you all have a great weekend - hope to see you all this weekend Karokee- ing!!!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Good bye Winter, Hello Spring!!!

Yay is Spring finally here? I sure hope so! It sure has been beautiful the whole weekend and today is great outside!
Blade and I went strolling already today and hope to get out again.

The weekend was here and gone. Mitchel was gone with Grandpa Dave this weekend, so Friday night Issac and Jer went to see the movie "300" they said it was incredible. Blade and I went and ran some errands, I found a few cute things for myself on clearance racks... l LOVE bargians!! Lately I have a "feddish" with crazy shoes... with funky designs and colors. I found two pair for $20.00 so I was happy!! Its truely a sickness like I have with switching my purses out. Oh well, right? Only live life once.
So anyhow I was on a mission after I found my "pokadot" shoes to find a few cute shirts to go well with them so off to Target and Old Navy we were... in the process I loose a shoe... but I knew I lost it at Target so I went and asked them if someone turned it in or if it did get turned in, it was mine. Yeh I know only ME!!! I seriously would loose my head if it weren't attached!
So anyhow movie is over we went to pick up the boys... went to get some supper so we thought "something new something different"... so Ground Round it was, WOW never ever again! It was horid!!!

Saturday, Jeremie took the boys to Sundown for the afternoon and I worked for Tammy at the store, it was a good steady day for her. I enjoy being in the atomosphere. It was a fun day. Then a big surprise... Mel and Michele stopped in for a quick visit, that was nice of them, THANKS GUYS!! I am sorry it didn't work out to bead with you guys. Please don't think I don't want to join you its just a matter of 'when'. I find it hard to balance my time... with Jer's travel, my boys being involved in many things, and keeping up on my house. I promise I will join you sometime, really!!!!

After we closed the store up, Tammy and I went for a short walk before the boys came home. After my walk I did do a few things I wanted to get done before Molly came to watch the boys for the night.
Jer and I were off to our 'usual' night of a good meal at Houlihans then came back to Cascade, I was feeling a little tipsy...didn't eat anything all day and well the drinks were hitting me ... WOW! I was hurtin' a little the next am. Good thing I only drink occasionally. My head is still pounds from the thought of the evening but it was a good time seeing Jason and some other people that evening. We really need to get all our friends together and go out some night soon... hoping this Saturday night will work we will see :)

Ah what else is new? Well I got my haircut and colored last week not sure if I posted that last time or not, but its a fun cut and color. I'm happy with it, I went to Jer's cousin Abby and she did a great job.
Today I did some more cleaning, I wish it was warm enough to shut the furance off and open the windows... but in time I can do that which I hope is soon.

My thought for the day: I help so many people out, well I try my hardest to be helpful and give my advice or thoughts.
Sometimes I just wish the people I give in my life would give a little back. Thats not wrong to think, right?

Well I best close for the day, I have laundry to fold and put away yet and then I want to get outside again.


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Oh Where Thou...

Hello Friends~
No I am still here ... at 605 Garfield St. in Cascade, didn't fall off the earth yet... but thanks to all of the 'concerned' emails and calls.

Life just gets the best of us sometimes, doesn't it? I've been in the "cleaning and organizing" mood lately.

Last weekend I unloaded the attic cubby holes and organized them all - what a job to have done, I was so happy!!! I also rearranged the attic... not sure if its "set up" the way I want yet but its a start of possiblities... just a hard area to work with but I will figure it out soon, I even hung somethings up so that makes me feel good... gotta start sometime, right? Its just hard to "decorate" when construction is in the mode yet but we are getting closer each day.

This week so far I have been on top of laundry... doing it daily ;-) but I have also been home everyday this week too so that helps immensely. I guess after doing the 8+ loads last weekend was like ... "ah no more of this!!" it was insane on all the laundy I was behind on :( but thats life sometimes but it didn't help any when they cancelled school for days... well thats what it seemed like.

Also this week, today infact I helped my good friend, Diane do somethings at their new home. They are moving to the 'farm' of the Callahan family sometime this summer when school gets out. I am very happy for them ;-)

Tomorrow my day is planned FULL, I am doing a 'booth' at the antique mall in Dyersville with some friends and well I am loading somethings up tomorrow to take up there. I am really looking forward to putting this booth together and hoping it will go well for us.

House updates? Well... we may have a finished banister soon... iron ballisters and other supplies should arrive early next week. Our "tree boards" are being kiimed dried right now and then they will be prepared for the flooring for the addition. The best news of all ;-) Kitchen is 'offically' being started in April and we hope to have it in by the end of April or early May, I am SO SO excited about that!!! We have to finalize a lot of things on it yet since its being modified and switched to a different contractor, but yes we will finally have a kitchen :) YEAH!!!!!!!!!! The formal living room was completed yesterday with all the crown molding and trim, french doors. I am so please with how its all coming together. The lockers that we put in the mud room are beautiful now that they got sanded and all prettied up :) it was a huge transformation! Its all the fine details you put into a home that makes it more personal and unique and we are definately doing that in every room.

The boys? Well Mitchel is gone this weekend tractor pulling with my dad again :) They are off to somewhere near St. Louis... crazy I think but its what they love to do, he will get back sometime on Sunday. Issac, well he continues to grow out his hair and is geting ready to get that motorbike out as soon as it warms up :) Him and his dad are going to spend sometime together tomorrow night so that will be fun for them. Little Blade is busy as ever, he had a good week at school and tomorrow he is going to the 'farm' so he is excited :) They are all well.

I come to a conclusion this week, I can't stand "fake" people!!! it annoys me!!!! SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also another thing I believe I am a good person and I am a Christian but I may not go to mass every Sunday and pray on a daily basis but does that truely make me a "bad" person? I believe NOT. I have great respect for others, good morals, strong beliefs in God but they may not be "up to some standards" of some family members of mine BUT truth of the matter is I am not choosing to be a hypocrit!! because anymore all they do is preach but don't practice what they preach... and that gets to me!!! I teach my children respect, morals and how to love and to me that means so much more to me and them then "looking good in church". I do apologize if I offend anyone reading this but this is how I feel and I truely believe what Jer and I choose to do in life with our children is our choice and should not have to live by what our family members "believe" is right, is not for everyone and it doesn't make us bad people!!!! I love my husband and children and we believe the way we live each day is wonderful because all we need is each other. On a another note being a good Catholic is being non - judgemental, isn't it? Anyhow I just had to get this off my chest tonight.

So instead of going on and on, I should just close this blog ;-) but in all seriousiness... isn't being a good person really what matters in life? I want to hear some thoughts.

I wish you all a great weekend ahead. I am ready for the time to change and Spring to be sprung! I have my walking shoes ready for those nice nights coming ahead.

Love ya all!!!